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Code of Conduct

Code of Behaviour Policy

Dripsey N.S.

Roll no. 17245B


Code of Behaviour

Dripsey National School

(Last reviewed by Board of Management November 2023)



In compliance with Section 23 of the Education (Welfare) Act 2000 the Board of Management of Dripsey N.S. has prepared and made available a Code of Behaviour for its pupils, parents and staff.

The Code of Behaviour details the following:

1) The standards of behaviour that shall be observed by each pupil attending the school.

2) The whole school approach to promoting positive behaviour.

3) The measures that shall be taken when a pupil fails or refuses to observe those standards.

4) The procedures to be followed before a pupil may be suspended or expelled from the school concerned. (Appendix 1)

5) The grounds for removing a suspension imposed in relation to a pupil.

6) The procedures to be followed in relation to a child’s absence from school.

The Code of Behaviour of Dripsey N.S. has been developed in accordance with “Developing a Code of Behaviour: Guidelines for Schools,” National Educational Welfare Board, 2008.



Our school aims to provide a happy, secure, friendly, learning environment, where children, parents, teachers, special needs assistants, ancillary staff and the Board of Management work in partnership. Each individual is valued, encouraged and respected for their uniqueness and facilitated to reach their full potential in a positive atmosphere.

This will enable the child to live a full life and will equip him/her to avail of further education so that they may go on to live a full and useful life as an adult in society. The staff are committed to the realisation of these objectives. Our aim is to provide an environment in which there is a sense of good order and a reasonable approach to discipline. In this way, a large group can be organised so that the school can operate smoothly for the benefit of all.

This Code of Behaviour comes into effect on 21st September 2022. The code has been considered by the Parents’ representatives, Staff, the Education Welfare Officer and approved by the Board of Management. It was ratified by the Board of Management on 20th September 2022.



  • To create an atmosphere of respect, tolerance and consideration for others.
  • To allow the school to function in an orderly and harmonious way.
  • To enhance the learning environment where children can make progress in all aspects of their development.
  • To foster a sense of responsibility and self-discipline in pupils and to support good behaviour patterns based on consideration and respect for the rights of others.
  • To foster caring attitudes to one another and to the environment.
  • To enable teachers to teach without disruption
  • To ensure that the school’s expectations and strategies are widely known and understood by the parents through the availability of school policies and an ethos of open communication.
  • To ensure that the system of rules, rewards and sanctions are implemented in a fair and consistent manner.
  • To encourage the involvement of both home and school in the implementation of this policy.
  • To ensure the safety and wellbeing of all members of the school community.
  • To ensure the Code of Behaviour promotes equality and appropriate accommodation of difference in the school community.



Pupils’ Responsibilities:

  • To show courtesy and respect
  • To come to school on time in the correct uniform and have all the necessary books
  • To do his/her homework carefully and completely. Written excuses must be provided if homework is not completed
  • To listen when others are talking
  • To participate in all class activities.
  • To avoid distracting behaviour
  • To observe the rules when the bell rings, lining up in an orderly fashion and walking to classroom quietly
  • To walk in single file and as a matter of courtesy, stand back to allow adults to pass by.
  • To obey the rules and safety procedures in the classroom, in the toilet, in corridors and elsewhere within the school building and in the school yard. The same good behaviour is expected during tours or outings and other out-of-school activities.
  • To use respectful ways to resolve difficulties and conflict.
  • To co-operate with instructions given by the teacher
  • To be truthful
  • Not to threaten or physically hurt another person
  • Not to engage in bullying/cyber bullying behaviour
  • Not to engage in behaviour that disrupts learning or teaching.


Pupils expect that the school will be:

  • A safe and happy place where teaching and learning are at the core
  • Suited to their learning style
  • Affirming of all their abilities, gifts and talents
  • Able to deal with bullying and supportive of victims


Parents’/Guardians’ Responsibilities:

  • To ensure that children attend school regularly and punctually
  • To ensure their child wears the correct school uniform each day.
  • To address staff and members of the school community in a respectful manner at all times.
  • To follow the school’s protocol in terms of communication with teachers/SNAs/principal.
  • To demonstrate a sense of respect for all children, parents, staff and the wider school community.
  • To ensure children demonstrate a sense of respect for school property and the property of others.
  • To be interested in, support and encourage their children’s school work/ home work.
  • To be familiar with the Code of Behaviour and its implementation.
  • To co-operate with teachers in instances where their child’s behaviour is causing difficulty.
  • To communicate with the school in relation to any problems which may affect their child’s progress/behaviour.
  • Teachers cannot meet with parents during teaching time (9.20 – 3.00). Parents are advised to phone the office to arrange a meeting outside of these times. Alternatively, parents may send a meeting request via Aladdin or school email.

Parents expect that there will be:

  • A safe and happy environment for their child
  • A place where children are prepared for lifelong learning
  • Recognition and provision for the individual differences of pupils
  • Support for children who are in need of it
  • Fairness and consistency in the way children are dealt with
  • No labelling of their child
  • An atmosphere of support and inclusion
  • Contact at an early stage to inform them of any difficulties
  • A willingness to listen to their viewpoint
  • Suggestions and support about problems in school


Teachers’ Responsibilities:

  • To create a safe and respectful working environment in their classroom
  • To model and promote courtesy, respect, honesty, kindness, forgiveness and fair treatment to all – children and adults alike
  • To address pupils in a respectful and professional manner at all times
  • To address staff and all other members of the school community in a respectful and professional manner at all times
  • To bring the school and classroom rules to the attention of pupils in age-appropriate language at the start of each term and regularly throughout the year, particularly when misbehaviour occurs.
  • To affirm positive behaviour and appreciate the contribution of all
  • To approach the management of behaviour in a manner consistent with procedures in the Code of Behaviour
  • To offer extra support and guidance, as appropriate, to children who have learning difficulties or special education needs, to help them understand and to comply with rules and expectations.
  • To practise and promote the early resolution of relational difficulties and of situations resulting from unacceptable behaviour, in a constructive restorative manner
  • To inform the principal of all incidents of serious misbehaviour, to ensure that the principal can deal with the matter fairly and as quickly as possible and to record all instances of serious misbehaviour that occur in their classroom and to give a copy of this record to the principal.


Principal’s Responsibilities:

  • To create a safe and respectful working environment in the school
  • To address pupils in a respectful and professional manner at all times
  • To address staff and all other members of the school community in a respectful and professional manner at all times
  • To ensure that the Code of Behaviour is implemented in a fair and consistent manner
  • To arrange for a review of the Code of Behaviour as required.


General Guidelines for Behaviour:

All pupils are expected to behave in a reasonable manner, showing consideration, courtesy and respect for other pupils and adults at all times.

Respect must be shown for the property of the individual, other children and of the school at all times.


The Code of Behaviour covers the following areas:

  • Behaviour in class
  • Behaviour in the school yard
  • Behaviour in the school environment
  • Behaviour on school bus
  • Behaviour going on outings
  • Attendance at school/Education Welfare Act
  • Before and after school club and extra-curricular activities.


Classroom Strategies:

At the beginning of each academic year, the class teacher will draft a list of class rules with the children. These reflect and support the school rules, but are presented in a way that is accessible to the children. Class rules should be kept to a minimum and are devised with regard for the health, safety and welfare of all members of the school community. They should, where possible emphasise positive behaviour (e.g. ‘Walk’ and not ‘Don’t run’). Rules will be applied in a fair and consistent manner, with due regard to the age of the pupils and to individual differences. Where difficulties arise, parents will be contacted at an early stage.

The following represents the normal sequence of sanctions but this may vary depending on individual circumstances.

  1. Reasoning with the pupil
  2. Reminder of school or class rules
  3. Seek an explanation
  4. Change position in the class
  5. Temporary isolation from peers
  6. Additional work prescribed
  7. Loss of minor privileges. Misbehaviour recorded. Report sent to Principal.


Behaviour in the school yard:

Pupils should treat others as they would like to be treated themselves. Any behaviour which endangers or offends others is not permitted.

Rough behaviour e.g. fighting, kicking, spitting, pushing etc. is forbidden. Games or activities considered to be dangerous shall be prohibited.

The use of inappropriate/ offensive language is unacceptable.

Any behaviour which interferes with other pupils’ play is not permitted.

Pupils may not leave the playground for any reason during breaks without permission of the supervising teacher; this includes re-entering the school building.

The Yard Rules

  1. Stay within the boundaries of the yard.
  2. Play safely and fairly. Treat others fairly, the way you would like yourself to be treated.
  3. Ensure everyone is included.
  4. Keep yard and school environment litter free and tidy.
  5. Line up quickly and quietly and leave and return to your classroom in an orderly, calm fashion.


Attendance/Education Welfare Act

Under the Education Welfare Act 2000, absences or lateness must be explained by a phone call/email/message on Aladdin or written note by the parent.

– Daily attendance and punctuality are required from pupils. Absences of 20 days or more must be referred by the school to TUSLA. The Education Welfare Officer is available to support parents with attendance issues.

– Any child wishing to leave school early can do so following prior arrangement by email or phonecall to the school. Children with hospital or dental appointments on an ongoing basis should give a copy of appointments to the office secretary.



It is the policy of the school to assign homework on a regular basis. The time taken for this will depend on the age of the child and will vary from child to child.

If for some reason homework (or part of it) cannot be completed, parents are asked to inform the class teacher by Aladdin or email.

Generally, homework is not given at weekends.

Written work must be done neatly and carefully.

Graffiti on textbooks and copy books is not permitted.



Our school considers that jewellery in school is inappropriate and presents a health and safety risk to children, particularly during PE, yard times and outdoor activities.

Children may wear small, simple studs in their ears.

Children may wear non-smart watches to school ie. traditional analogue or basic digital watches.

Students will be asked to remove all other jewellery while at school.

The school does not accept responsibility for loss or damage to jewellery.


Mobile Phones/iPods/Electronic Games

Mobile phones, electronic devices and electronic games are strictly forbidden both in school and at school events/outings.

Any infringement of this rule will involve the confiscation of the phone (and any other electronic equipment) and will only be returned to the parent or guardian of the pupil.


School Uniform

All pupils must wear the school uniform. Pupils will be advised in advance of days to wear the tracksuit.


Intervention of the Principal:

The following represents the normal sequence of sanctions but this may vary depending on individual circumstances.


  • Verbal reprimand
  • Removal from the group (in class)
  • Withdrawal of privileges
  • Withdrawal from the particular lesson or peer group
  • Carrying out a useful task in the school
  • Consultation with parents
  • Formal report to the Board of Management



Part of the vision of Dripsey NS is to help children achieve their personal best – academically, intellectually and socially. We recognise that there are many different forms of intelligence and that similarly children use a variety of approaches to solve problems. All children deserve encouragement to attain their own best. Children will be encouraged, praised and listened to at all times by adults in the school. Praise is earned by the maintenance of good standards as well as by particularly noteworthy personal achievements. Rates of praise for behaviour should be as high as for work.

The following are some examples of how praise might be given:

  • A quiet word or gesture to show approval
  • A comment in a pupil’s exercise book
  • A visit to another member of staff or to the principal for commendation
  • A word of praise in front of a group or class
  • A system of merit marks or stickers
  • Delegating some special responsibility or privilege
  • A mention to parent, written or verbal communication


Three Levels of Misbehaviour:

Our school’s Code of Behaviour classifies misbehaviour under the following three headings:

Level 1: Minor breaches of Code of Behaviour

Level 2: Serious breaches of Code of Behaviour

Level 3: Gross breaches of Code of Behaviour


Level 1: Minor Breaches of Code of Behaviour Examples

  • Not following the instructions of the class teacher and other staff eg. Repeatedly leaving seat, interrupting class work, calling out etc.
  • Not playing/acting and/or interacting safely
  • Not moving safely to and from the yard
  • Being cheeky when disciplined
  • Littering

Addressing Level 1 minor breaches

Supportive Interventions may include:

  • Refer to class rules
  • Classroom based interventions such as circle time, social stories, sensory breaks and/or class meetings, with the option of informal consultation (e.g. with parents/guardians, and/or staff members)
  • Recording of incident/intervention and date of and information around the incident. This information can be used if the misbehaviour persists. Emphasis on triggers/antecedents.

Level 1 Sanctions:

  • Verbal reprimand
  • Child’s name and incident is logged in teacher records
  • Sit on “time out”/ “chill out” chair for a specified time
  • “Time out” on yard
  • In addition, if appropriate, the child’s parents may be asked to speak to their child about the misbehaviour/incident.


Level 2: Serious breaches in Code of Behaviour Examples

  • Repeated incidents of Level 1 breaches
  • Behaviour that is hurtful (including bullying, harassment, discrimination and victimisation)
  • Leaving the yard/classroom without permission
  • Behaviour that interferes with teaching and learning
  • Use of foul or offensive language
  • Threats or physical hurt to another person
  • Repeatedly telling lies
  • Damage to property
  • Continuous aggressive play
  • Theft
  • Repeated failure to complete homework
  • Deliberate and continuous disruption of class
  • Disrespect towards staff and visitors to school or towards other children
  • Use of mobile phone or other offensive item by a pupil on school grounds during school hours

Addressing Level 2 serious breaches

Supportive Interventions may include:

  • Include steps used in level 1
  • Referral to the principal/deputy principal
  • Team conference to include classroom teacher, SET, deputy principal or principal and SNA (where applicable).
  • May involve consultation with NEPS Psychologist, SENO (where applicable) or other involved staff
  • Communication with parents
  • Behaviour plan put in place in collaboration with parents.

Level 2 Sanctions:

  • Withdrawal of privileges
  • Written/drawn/verbal apology from the pupil
  • Restoration of school buildings, grounds or furnishings to correct state and return of items stolen where applicable
  • There will be communication between the principal and the parents outlining the seriousness of the above breaches.


Level 3: Gross breaches in Code of Behaviour Examples

  • Repeated instances of above after warning future conduct.
  • Assault on a pupil or adult
  • Possession of any item likely to cause injury to the child or others, or likely to damage school property e.g. knives, matches, lighters etc.
  • Serious theft
  • Aggressive behaviour, the intensity of which puts the safety of the child, other children or staff at risk.
  • Serious damage to property
  • Use of threatening language or behaviour towards teachers or others
  • Any act of willful violence towards other pupils, staff or visitors
  • Possession/supply or use of alcohol, cigarettes, illegal drugs and/or other harmful substances
  • Bullying – derogatory reference towards another person’s race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, physical condition, disability or ethnic origin.
  • Leaving school grounds during school hours without permission of principal and notification from parent/guardian.
  • Skipping school

Aggression will be defined as any incident of intentional hitting, slapping, kicking, biting, pinching, spitting, head butting, use of weapons or throwing missiles. The school has a policy of zero tolerance towards aggressive behaviour.  

Supportive Interventions may include:

  • Reflection activity on what happened and how it affects them and others
  • Confiscation of dangerous/offensive items
  • Request for assistance from external agencies.

Level 3 Sanctions:

  • Immediate contact with parent(s)/Guardian(s)
  • In-School Suspension
  • Suspension from the school for a period of 1-3 days may result. The length of the suspension will depend upon the severity and frequency of the specific behaviour. Specific information about due process and procedures in respect of the issuing of a suspension is contained in this document.


In-School Suspension

In-School Suspension is where a pupil must continue to attend school each day, but they will not be permitted into their normal classroom. The pupil will be given a pack of work to be completed in another classroom/the principal’s office/the deputy principal’s room. The pupils will be supervised by a member of senior leadership. In-School Suspension will be for a period of 1-3 days. The length of the in-school suspension will depend on the severity and frequency of the specific behaviour.


Definition of suspension: “Requiring the student to absent himself/herself from the school for a specified, limited period of school days.”

Before serious sanctions such as suspension or expulsion are used, the normal channels of communication between school and parents will be utilised.


Authority to Suspend

The Board of Management of Dripsey NS has formally, and in writing, delegated the authority to impose an “Immediate Suspension” to the principal. An Immediate Suspension may be for a period of one to three school days depending on the severity of the specific behaviour. In exceptional circumstances, and with the extra approval of the Chairperson of the Board, the suspension may be for a longer period, but in any event will not exceed five school days. Furthermore, the Board of Management has formally and in writing, delegated to the principal the authority to impose an “Automatic Suspension” for named behaviours detailed in this policy. An “Automatic Suspension” may be for a period of one to three school days depending on the severity of the specific behaviour. In exceptional circumstances, and with the extra approval of the Chairperson of the Board, the suspension may be for a longer period, but in any event will not exceed five school days.

The Board retains the authority to suspend a pupil in all other cases/circumstances.


Immediate/Automatic Suspension

An “Immediate Suspension” will be deemed to be necessary where, after preliminary investigation, the principal deems that the continued presence of the pupil in the school at the time would present a serious threat to the safety and wellbeing of pupils or staff in the school.

An “Automatic Suspension” is a suspension imposed for named behaviours. The Board of Management of Dripsey N.S. having given due consideration to its duty as prescribed by Health and Safety Legislation, has determined that the following named behaviours will incur “Automatic Suspension” as a sanction:

  • Physical assault/violence resulting in bodily harm to a pupil or member of staff
  • Physical violence resulting in serious damage to school property.
  • Leaving the school unaccompanied and without permission during school hours.

Parents will be informed of an Immediate or Automatic Suspension by telephone, and arrangements will be made with them for the pupil to be collected. In no circumstances will the student be sent home from the school prior to the parents/guardians being notified. Formal written communication of the suspension will issue in due course, but no later than 2 school days after the imposition of the suspension. Such a notification will detail:

  • The duration of the suspension and dates on which the suspension will begin and end.
  • The reason for the suspension
  • Any study programme to be followed
  • The arrangements for returning to school, including and commitments to be entered into by the pupil and the parents/guardians.

The Board of Management acknowledges that the decision to impose either an Immediate or an Automatic Suspension does not remove the duty to follow due process and fair procedures. In this regard, and following a formal investigation, to be completed no later than 2 school days after the incident, the Board will invite the pupil and his / her parents / guardians to a meeting to discuss:

– The circumstance surrounding the suspension

– Interventions to prevent a reoccurrence of such misconduct

The Board of Management of Dripsey N.S. acknowledges the fundamental importance of impartiality in the investigation process. In this regard the following undertaking is given:

– No person with a vested interest or personal involvement in the matter will be involved in the organisation or implementation of the investigation procedure.


Procedures in respect of other suspensions:

In cases other than those of Immediate or Automatic Suspension the following procedures will apply:

Where preliminary assessment of the fact confirms serious misbehaviour that could warrant Suspension, the Board of Management of Dripsey NS will initiate a formal investigation of the matter.

The following procedure will be observed:

A written letter containing the following information will issue to the parents/guardians:

– Details of the alleged misbehaviour, details of the impending investigation process and notification that the allegation could result in suspension.

– An invitation to a meeting, to be scheduled no later than 5 days from the date of the letter, where parents / guardians are provided with the opportunity to respond before a decision is made or a sanction imposed.

The Board of Management of Dripsey NS acknowledges the fundamental importance of impartiality in the investigation and decision-making process. In this regard the following undertakings are given:

– No person with vested interest or personal involvement in the matter will be involved in the organisation or implementation of the investigation procedure, nor will such a person be involved in the decision-making process.

– The person(s) involved in the investigation process will on presentation of a full report of the facts absent himself / herself/ /themselves from the decision-making process.

– Where the decision to suspend has been made the Chairperson of the Board of Management will provide written notification to the parents / guardians and the pupil of the decision.

The letter will confirm:

– The duration of the suspension and the dates on which the suspension will end. (This will not exceed 10 days)

– The reasons for the suspension

– Any study programme to be followed

– The arrangements for returning to school, including any commitments to be entered into by the pupil and the parents / guardians

– The provision for an appeal to the Board of Management.

Where the suspension brings the total number of days for which the pupil has been suspended in the current school year to twenty days the parents / guardians will be informed of their right to appeal to the Secretary General of the Department of Education and Skills under Section 29 or the Education Act 1998 and will be provided with information on the submission of such an appeal.



Definition of Expulsion: “A student is expelled from a school when a Board of Management makes a decision to permanently exclude him or her from the school having complied with the provisions of section 24 of the Education Welfare Act 2000.”

Automatic Expulsion

The Board of Management may sanction automatic expulsion for certain prescribed behaviours:

  1. Sexual assault
  2. Possession of illegal drugs
  3. Supplying illegal drugs to other pupils in the school
  4. Actual violence or physical assault
  5. Serious threat of violence against another pupil or member of staff

Grounds for Expulsion

  1. Behaviour is a persistent cause of significant disruption to the learning of others or to the teaching process
  2. Continued presence of pupil constitutes a real and significant threat to safety
  3. Pupil responsible for serious damage to property

Authority to Expel

The authority to expel a pupil is reserved by the Board of Management. Procedure in Respect of Expulsion is as follows:

Where preliminary assessment of the facts confirms serious misbehaviour that could warrant expulsion the following procedure will apply:

A detailed investigation will be carried out under the direction of the Principal (or a nominee of the Board if required).

As part of the investigation a written letter containing the following information will issue to the parents / guardians:

  1. Details of the alleged misbehaviour, details of the impending investigation process, and notification that the allegation could result in expulsion
  2. An invitation to a meeting, to be scheduled no later than 5 school days from the date of the letter, where parents / guardians are provided with an opportunity to respond.

The Principal (or BOM nominee) will make recommendations to the Board of Management where the Principal (or nominee) forms a view, based on the investigation of the alleged misbehaviour, that expulsion may be warranted. The Principal (or nominee) makes a recommendation to the Board of Management to consider expulsion. In this event the Principal (or nominee) will:

  • Inform the parents / guardians that the Board of Management is being asked to consider expulsion.
  • Ensure that parents / guardians have a record of the allegations against the student, the investigation and written notice of the grounds on which the Board of Management is being asked to consider expulsion.
  • Provide the Board of Management with the same comprehensive records as are given to parents / guardians

Consideration by the Board of Management of the Principal’s (or BOM’s nominee) recommendations and hold a hearing.

If, having considered the Principal’s report, the Board of Management decides to consider expelling a student, a hearing will be scheduled. The parents / guardians will be notified in writing as to;

  • the date, location and time of the hearing
  • of their right to make a written and oral submission to the Board of Management
  • That they may, if they choose, be accompanied at the hearing

The Board of Management undertakes that the timing of such written notification will ensure that parents / guardians have enough notice to allow them to prepare for the hearing. In respect of the expulsion hearing the Board gives the undertaking that;

  • The meeting will be properly conducted in accordance with Board procedure
  • The Principal (BOM nominee) and parents / guardians will present their case to the Board in each other’s presence
  • Each party will be given the opportunity to question the evidence of the other party
  • The parents / guardians may make a case for a lesser sanction if they choose.

Board of Management Deliberations and Decisions following the Hearing

– Where the Board of Management, having considered all the facts of the case is of the opinion that the pupil should be expelled the Board

  • Will notify the Educational Welfare Officer, in writing by registered post, of its opinion and the reasons for this opinion
  • Will not expel the student before the passage of 20 school days from the date on which the Educational Welfare Officer receives this written notification
  • Will, in writing, notify the parents / guardians of their decision and inform them that the Education Welfare Officer is being contacted
  • Will be represented at the consultation to be organized by the Educational Welfare Officer
  • Will suspend the student, if it is deemed likely that the continued presence of the student during this time will seriously disrupt the learning of others, or represent a threat to the safety of other pupils or staff
  • Provide confirmation of the decision to expel

– Where the twenty-day period following notification of the Educational Welfare Officer has elapsed, and where the Board of Management remains of the view that the student should be expelled, the Board of Management will formally confirm the decision to expel. Parents / Guardians will be notified in writing that the expulsion will now proceed. They will also be notified of their right to appeal to the Secretary General of the Department of Education and Skills under Section 29 of the Education Act 1998 and will be provided with the information on the submission of such an appeal. The Board of Management of Dripsey N.S. acknowledges the fundamental importance of impartiality in the investigation and decision-making process. In this regard the following undertakings are given:

  • No person with a vested or personal involvement in the matter will be involved in the organisation or implementation of the investigation procedure, nor will such a person be involved in the decision-making process
  • The person involved in the investigation will, on presentation of a full report of the facts absent himself / herself / themselves from the decision-making process


Children with Special Needs

All children are required to comply with the code of behaviour. However, the school recognises that children with special needs may require assistance in understanding certain rules. Specialised behaviour plans will be put in place in consultation with parents, the class teacher, learning support/ resource teacher, the principal and any other parties involved with that pupil. The school will work closely with home to ensure that optimal support is given. Cognitive development will be taken into account at all times. Professional advice from psychological assessments will be invaluable. A reduced day for a pupil may be recommended by a psychologist or the principal in response to the needs of the pupil and/or for the health and safety of the other pupils. This will be enforced and will be reviewed on an ongoing basis in consultation with all parties. The children in the class or school may be taught strategies to assist a pupil with special needs adhere to the rules and thus provide peer support. This will be done in a supportive and safe way, acknowledging and respecting the difference in all individuals.


A copy of this code is available to all parents.

In the belief that the most effective schools tend to be those with the best relationship with parents, every effort will be made by the Principal and staff to ensure that parents are kept well informed, that the school provides a welcoming atmosphere towards parents and that parents are not only told when their children are in trouble but when they have behaved particularly well.


Timetable for Review

This code will be reviewed each year by a member of the Board of Management, a member of the Parents’ Association and a member of the staff.