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Sciath and Training

Dripsey National School has a proud tradition with football and hurling and regularly reach Sciath finals, most recently winning a hurling final in Summer 2023.
The teams train very hard for this when training in school with Mr Horgan and Mark O’Sullivan.

City Sports

Every summer, we select our best athletes to compete in the City Sports in Cork. Every year they run their hearts out alongside other children from primary schools all over Cork. Whether ‘sporting’ medals, trophies or memories, they come away happy and tired.

Sports for All Day:

Towards the end of the school year, we always hold a ‘Sports for All day,’ and the children take part in various activities on that day to challenge them mentally and physically, get them working cooperatively, and have a good time. We have now decided to carry on in this vein over a week for Active Week (see the HPS section for more). On Jersey Day, the children bring a donation from home so they can wear their favourite jersey and also take part in the yearly Penalty Shoot-Out Challenge. All proceeds go to the school in Ebukuya, Kenya, where we have been sending funds for years. With this money they’ve gone from strength to strength, even constructing a proper school building!


This year 5th and 6th class are going to The National Rowing Centre for 5 weeks and afterwards to Nepture Arena for a rowing blitz. We might even have the next O’ Donovans, O’ Driscolls or  Puspure amongst our ranks.


The children of Scoil Mhuire Dripsey go swimming for eight weeks of the school year to Churchfield pool annually. Some of our little fish always graduate up to the next pool in this time: well done to all our swimming stars!